Serving the community for over 60 years
(248) 203-4300
Casework Services
BYA is staffed by a professional caseworker who provides short-term, prevention-focused counseling, skill-building, and referral services for youth and families living within the Birmingham Public School District. Referrals for youth ages 5 years old through 17 years old are accepted from schools, teachers, police departments, parents, and other community sources. The Circuit Court-Family Division's Intake Unit also diverts cases when, in their judgement, Youth Assistance services are most appropriate.
Individual youth and family needs will be assessed, and confidential services will be tailored to the unique needs of each family. This may include short-term counseling, consultations, involvement with community programs, resources, referrals, and educational information.
Research shows that the types of support and interventions provided by Youth Assistance programs are very effective. Two 3-year longitudinal studies conducted by independent contractors determined that 92% of the families Youth Assistance works with do not go on to have additional contact with the court. The program is most successful when everyone in the family puts in the effort, but the rewards are well worth it!